Note Value.

Am I rich?

How to determine the value of a Fancy Serial Number.

What is my Fancy Serial Number worth?
This is the most common question asked. As there are so many different aspects to consider, incresing your knowledge in as many areas as possible would greatly help, But we have some suggestions for you.

Ask in forums
What you should ask:
"What kind of Fancy Serial Number is this?, Is it worth anything?, Any information would be great, thanks."
most people in the chats will help a little and point you in the right direction as long as you are polite and appreciative.

Here are some good forums:

Know your Fancy Serial NUmbers.

There are roughly 500 types of of FSNs, Knowing the specific type of FSN that you have goes a long way to determining value.
When you go to forums, unless you get an expert or moderator, chance are that the casual collector will say something like:"Thats a flipper" or "Great Radar", that is a good direction, but knowing you specific type of Radar can help with the research.

Learn to grade your notes:

Beyond the type of fancy serial number that you have, another big peice of the puzzle is condition of the note, basicaly, grading.
the basic idead here is, the closer to printint or the closer to perfect condition the better, so when buying or selling, knowing the grade can save you or make you a ton of $$$$.

Researching the value:

Now that you know what type of FSN you have, and you have a firm grasp of the grade, the next stop should be EBAY.
You can search for you type of FSN, and check the "Sold" listings, this will give you a good idead of where the market is at currenctly, and give you a good idea of where your note is at.

We do apologise, we do not give appraisals, and we are forced to delete emails asking "What is my note worth", as we could spend every hour in a day just trying to keep up, the best thing you can do, is learn, the more that you know, the better off you will be, thank you.

Note: This page may contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

Great resources

Our Book

The Green Guide of Fancy serial Numbers

The difinitive guide to fancy serial number, over 500 examples, images explinations and more, easy to get!