Skip Notes

One skips over the other.

Skip notes are all about "Every other one"

CS-Skip Notes.
CS-Skip Notes are FSNs that have the same number in positions 1, 3, 5, and 7, M 4x4x4x4x M, or in positions 2, 4, 6, and 8, M x4x4x4x4 M. The identical numbers skip every other digit.

CS-Skip Notes.
CS-Single Skip Notes. With CS-Single Skip Notes there is a CS-4OAK that skips every other digit. The other four random positions may not be filled with another CS-4OAK, M 1x1x1x1x M or M x2x2x2x2 M.

CS-Double Skip Notes.
With a CS-Double skip note there are 2 sets of single skip notes M 12121212 M. These are the same as a CS-Super Repeater, see Chapter 20 for more information.

CS-Skip Count Up Note.
A CS-Skip Count Note is a CS-Skip Note with the difference being the other numbers count up in sequence, M x1x2x3x4 M or M 41424344 M.

CS-Skip Count Down Note.
A CS-Skip Count Down Note is a CS-Skip Note with the difference being the other numbers count down in sequence, M x4x3x2x1 M or M 44434241 M.

CS-True Binary Skip Note.
A CS-True Binary Skip Note has only 1s and 0s which skip each other, M 01010101 M or M 10101010 M. These are also CS-Super Repeater.

Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

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