You cannot retire after finding a seven, but they are really fun to find.
CS-Seven or CS-Near Solid is seven identical numbers grouped with no separations.
CS-7OAK is seven of the same number anywhere within the serial number.
At least one number of the seven must be separated from the others.
In a CS-7OAK, there are seven of the same number within the serial number
and any of the CS-7OAK can be in any position, but cannot all be grouped, M
7x777777 M or M 777x7777 M or M 777777x7 M.
In a CS-Seven, there are seven of the same number within the serial number, and
these seven numbers are grouped together, M 4444444x M.
Eight of a kinds or Solids are crazy to find and even more $$$$$$.
CS-Solids and CS-8OAKs.
CS-Solids and CS-8OAKS M 88888888 M, are serial numbers that are made up
of all identical numbers, M 77777777 M or M 11111111 M.
Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.