
There is zero to see here.

Zeros can make a fancy serial number shoot to the moon, or not.

CS-Random Zeros.
With CS-Random zeros there can be from one to seven zeros in any position within the FSN.

CS-Random Zeros.CS-One Zero M xxxx0xxx M contains one zero in any position.

CS-Random Zeros.CS-Two Zeros M xxxx00xx M contains two zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros. CS-Three Zeros M 0x0x0xxx M contains three zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros. CS-Four Zeros M 0xxx000x M contains four zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros. CS-Five Zeros M x0x000x0 M contains five zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros. CS-Six Zeros M 00x0x000 M contains six zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros. CS-Seven Zeros M 00000x00 M contains seven zeros in any position.

CS-Random Zeros.

CS-Leading Zeros, CS-Centered Zeros, & CS-Trailing Zeros.
There are a few different ways to look at Zeros. Zeros on the left hand side of the FSN are called Leading, those on the right hand side are called Trailing, and those in the center are called Centered. The more zeros the better, and the rarer the Note may be.

CS-Leading Zeros.
With CS-Leading Zeros, the first zero must start in position 1, and all other zeros must folllow the first zero with no separations, M 00000xxx M.

CS-Leading 7 Zeros M 0000000x M is seven zeros followed by a digit. This is also considered a CS-Low Note.

CS-Leading 6 Zeros M 000000xx M is six zeros followed by two digits. This is also considered a CS-Low Note.

CS-Leading 5 Zeros M 00000xxx M is five zeros followed by three digits. This is also considered a CS-Low Note.

CS-Leading 4 Zeros M 0000xxxx M is four zeros followed by four digits. This is also considered a CS-Low Note.

CS-Leading 3 Zeros M 000xxxxx M is three zeros followed by five digits.

CS-Leading 2 Zeros M 00xxxxxx M is two zeros followed by six digits.

CS-Leading Zero M 0xxxxxxx M is one zero followed by seven digits.

CS-Random Zeros.
CS-Centered Zeros. With CS-Centered Zeros, the zeros start in the center in either position 4 or 5, M xxx0xxxx M, and can work their way out from there.

CS-Centered Zero M xxx0xxxx M or M xxxx0xxx M the single zero can be at position 4 or 5.

CS-Centered 2 Zeros M xxx00xxx M the CS-Pair of zeros are centered and at positions 4 and 5.

CS-Centered 3 Zeros M xx000xxx M or M xxx000xx M the CS-Triple of zeros are centered and can start in position 3 or 4.

CS-Centered 4 Zeros M xx0000xx M the CS-Quad of zeros are centered and starts at position 3.

CS-Centered 5 Zeros M x00000xx M or M xx00000x M the CS-Quint of zeros is centered and can start in position 2 or 3.

CS-Centered 6 Zero M x000000x M the CS-Sextup of zeros are centered and starts at position 2.

CS-Trailing Zeros.
With CS-Trailing Zeros, the last zero must start in position 8, and all other zeros must precede the last zero with no separations, M xxx00000 M.

CS-Trailing Zero M xxxxxxx0 M is seven digits followed by one zero.

CS-Trailing 2 Zeros M xxxxxx00 M is six digits followed by two zeros.

CS-Trailing 3 Zeros xxxxx000 M is five digits followed by three zeros.

CS-Trailing 4 Zeros xxxx0000 M is four digits followed by four zeros. This is also considered a CS-High Note.

CS-Trailing 5 Zeros M xxx00000 M is three digits followed by five zeros. This is also considered a CS-High Note.

CS-Trailing 6 Zeros M xx000000 M is two digits followed by six zeros. This is also considered a CS-High Note.

CS-Trailing 7 Zeros M x0000000 M is a digit followed by seven zeros. This is also considered a CS-High Note.

Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

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