Odds and Evens

its one or the other.

In this website there are a lot of added terms and methods; this page is all about explaining these.

CS-Odds and Evens.
In some instances Note will be printed with a F.S.N. that are either all even numbers M 24620486 M or all odd numbers M 91375911 M. For the most part this is rather common, and unless the serial number is comprised of another F.S.N. there is almost no value other than the eye of the beholder.
CS-Sequential Numbers.
When a CS-Strap of Notes are freshly printed, they are packaged in sequential order, lets say that the first note in the CS-Strap has a serial number of M 87210001 M the very next Note should be M 87210002 M and so on. These are not rare or valuable above the eye of the beholder. when you find a valuable F.S.N. in a CS-Strap, it is still rare that the surrounding or sequential serial numbers will add value, but, in some cases the eye of the beholder applies and the value is increased slightly.

Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

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The Green Guide of Fancy serial Numbers

The difinitive guide to fancy serial number, over 500 examples, images explinations and more, easy to get!