High & Low Notes

Up or down, they are great.

High notes are full of 9s, low notes are full of 0s.

CS-High Notes, CS-Low Notes & CS-Million Notes.

CS-High Notes. These Notes have very high serial numbers like M 99999999 M. Any note that has four or more leading 9s, M 9999xxxx M, is considered a CS-High Note. And with these, the more leading 9s the better, with M 99999999 M being the best.

CS-Low Notes. With CS-Low Notes, the lower the number the better. Where M 00001562 M is a low note and will carry a small premium, a note with M 00000001 M is the best and carries a high premium. To be a CS-Low Note the first four digits must be zeros M 0000xxxx M.

CS-Million Notes. These Notes have six or seven trailing zeros, M 90000000 M. We also define the CS-Sub-Million Note which has four or five trailing zeros.

CS-High Notes are Notes whose numbers are greater than M 99990000 M. While M 99990000 M is considered a CS-High Note and may carry some premium, an FSN with M 99999999 M can possess a great premium. The rule of thumb is the higher the serial number (and greater number of leading 9s) the better.

CS-Low Notes are Notes that are have serial numbers below 10,000, M 00009999 M. With these Notes, the closer you get to zero, the better and the higher the premium, with M 00000001 M being the absolute best. In all cases the first four digits must be at least a CS-Leading 4 Zeros. There may not be any digits other than zeros in the first four positions. While M 0000 9998 M is considered a CS-Low Note and may carry some premium, an FSN with M 00000001 M can carry a great premium. The rule of thumb is the more CS-Leading Zeros the better. CS-Low Note #1 M 0000000x M has seven leading 0s and any digit in position 8.

CS-Million Notes are FSNs where the last six or seven digits are zeros, M 23000000 M, and CS-Sub-Million Notes are FSNs where the last four or five digits are zeros, M 53200000 M. CS-Million and CS-Sub-Million Notes can be thought of almost like a mirror-image of CS-Low Notes. CS-Million Note #1 M x0000000 M has any non-zero digit in position 1 followed by seven trailing zeros.

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The Green Guide of Fancy serial Numbers

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